Majestic Oaks Men’s Club Policy Regarding Selection of Tees
The Majestic Oaks Men’s Club encourages participation in our Men's Club, like the WDL, TNL league, club tournaments and golfing with other members. All members should consider their abilities, age, physical condition, medical issues and golf handicap when making their tee selection. Selection of the proper set of tees* is important to compete equitably and enjoy the game of golf.
Here is the procedure:
1. At the start of each golf season, each member will designate on their membership application the set of tees they will play from during the year. Members have 4 sets of tees to choose: Silver (slope 124, 5148 yards) *If you Qualify*, Black(slope 128, 5992 yards), Gold(slope 132, 6426 yards) and Green(slope 132, 6869 yards).
2. On or before June 15th of a membership year, a member may choose to change his tee selection* by notifying the Handicap Committee Chairman in writing of intent to change. No specific reason is necessary. A member may only move one set of tees, either forward or backward. This option is available only once during a membership year.
3. On or after June 16th of a membership year, a member may request a tee change only for an extenuating circumstance. A member may request a change by notifying the Handicap Committee Chairman in writing. His request must identify the tees he desires to play from, specific reasons for the request, and how this impacts his ability to play from his current tees. The Handicap Committee will either approve or disapprove the request.
4. Should the request be approved, the chairman will notify the member and he may begin playing from the new tees. If the request is disapproved, the chairman will notify the member of the committee’s decision. The chairman will then forward the request, together with a summary of the committee’s reasons for denying the request, to the President of the club for presentation to the Board of Directors. The board will either affirm or overturn the committee’s decision and the president will notify the chairman and the member of the board’s action.
At anytime, this policy does not prevent a member from playing other tees during social play or as a member of another club or league. Should a member play from tees other than his normal tee selection, he must post his score identifying the tees actually played from.
*New members:
When choosing which tee (Silver, Black, Gold, or Green) to play in Men's Club events, carefully consider the following:
- the typical distance and slope you play from on other golf courses
- choose a distance that allows for the correct balance between enjoyment and challenge
- your abilities (handicap level) and/or the distance you hit tee shots
- an unofficial "rule of thumb" -- take your handicap index and subtract it from 142 to determine the tees with the best slope rating for you to play. You should usually pick the shortest overall distance when deciding between two sets of tees.
- ask the Handicap chairman or the Pro shop for assistance if needed.