MOMC By-Laws
The name of the organization shall be the Majestic Oaks Men's Club. Any reference in the by-laws to the word "Club" shall be interpreted to mean the Majestic Oaks Men's Club.
The purpose of this organization shall be:
To encourage interest among the members in all club events and keep the membership informed of such events.
To encourage participation of Club members in tournaments sponsored by other golf clubs with special emphasis on those sponsored by the Minnesota Public Golf Association.
To foster, promote and preserve the interest and true spirit of the game of golf.
SECTION A. Membership in this organization shall:
Be restricted to persons with Majestic Oaks playing privileges and are 18 years of age or over.
Require applications for membership to be submitted and processed on the form and in the manner established by the Club's Board of Directors.
Members in good standing only will be entitled to represent MOMC in the following: MPGA 16 Man Competition, MPGA Senior 8 Man Competition and other qualified MPGA events subject to approval by MOMC Board of Directors and/or MOMC By-Laws.
SECTION B. Membership limits: It shall be understood that:
The Club's membership shall be limited to a total of 300 paying members, exclusive of honorary members. The established limit shall remain until the Board of Directors shall, by appropriate action, increase or decrease the limit.
A current Club member in good standing shall automatically remain a member providing he pays his annual dues as required and meets the qualifications and requirements established by the Club.
When the 300 paid membership limit is reached, all candidates for membership shall be placed on a waiting list. The listing shall include the candidate's name, address, occupation, and the date the entry was placed on the waiting list. The list will be maintained by a designated officer on the Board of Directors and available for review through a request to a current board member. Thereafter, as vacancies occur in Club membership, the names of the candidates shall be submitted to the Board of Directors for action in the order in which they appear on the waiting list.
SECTION C. Membership Classification: There are two classifications of members.
They are:
Regular Men's Club members who have paid dues and met the requirements of the Club and are desirous of participating in golfing privileges as provided by the Majestic Oaks Men's Club.
Honorary members who are approved by vote of at least seven (7) members of the Board of Directors.
Honorary members are individuals who in the opinion of the Board have rendered especially meritorious service to the Club, the community or in the promotion of public golf.
Any person holding an honorary membership in the Club shall be entitled to the same privileges as regular Club members and shall be subject to the rules and regulations established by the Club.
An honorary membership may be terminated at any time by vote of at least seven (7) members of the Board of Directors.
An honorary member will be for one (1) season and will require board review to extend each season.
SECTION D. Voting privileges shall:
Be provided to all Club members.
Permit all MOMC Club members one vote at annual or special meetings.
Not permit absentee voting or voting by proxy.
SECTION E. New members and renewal of membership: Acceptance to membership stipulates that:
Payment of the Club's required membership dues constitutes acceptance of membership responsibilities. Members agree to abide by the Club's Constitution of Articles, its by-laws and all its other rules.
After the admission to membership by the Board of Directors, his name is placed on the current year's Club roster.
Membership is not assignable or transferable and shall terminate upon death or Board action.
All members belonging to the Club at the close of the golf season will be notified by mail/e-mail prior to March 1st regarding dues and date payable by for the coming year.
The Board will set all fees for membership. The application form will include the renewal fee, the fee for new members, as well as any applicable late fees that may be assessed if the membership fee is not paid before the stated renewal date. Note that if a membership is not renewed by the date stated on the form, it’s possible that their spot could be lost to a new member if total club membership has reached the limit of 300.
A new member is defined as any person that was not a member the previous year.
SECTION A. It is stipulated that:
The control, business and management of the affairs of the Club shall be entrusted to and vested in a Board of Directors composed of a minimum of nine (9) and a maximum of twelve (12) directors.
Subject to the provisions of the by-laws, the Board shall elect from it's members a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, a Master of Events, and a Treasurer. This election of President shall be delegated by the outgoing President, All other elections will be delegated by the new elected President. Their term of office shall be one (1) calendar year and until their successor is duly elected or they are re-elected.
If a portion of an officer's three (3) year total term of office on the Board of Directors remains after performing the duties of a specific office and he is not re-elected, his status will revert to that of a regular Board member.
Any vacancy occurring on the Board or in any office of the Board except the Presidency shall be filled for the unexpired term by two thirds vote of the remaining members of the Board. In the case of the President, the Vice-President shall assume that office and a new Vice-President shall be elected by the Board from the remaining members.
A quorum at any meeting of the Board shall consist of no less than seven (7) members.
A Board member's total term of duty is limited to three (3) consecutive calendar years unless a specific exception is made based on approval of at least seven (7) Board members. Exceptions shall be made only for the "good of the Club" as determined by the Board or re-elected at general sessions.
The Board is empowered to conduct all the general business of the Club while striving for continuous improvement for the betterment of the Club.
The Board will organize and run Club events, that is; Tournaments, Fund Raiser, Banquets, etc. for the best interest of the Men's Club.
The Board will establish a financial operating budget yearly based upon membership dues and any residual monies from previous years and to operate within this budget while establishing membership dues, tournament fees and payouts and dispersal of these monies on an annual basis.
SECTION A. The offices and their duties shall include:
The President (or presiding officer) shall preside at all meetings, enforce observance of all by-laws and rules, appoint all standing committees and functional assignments with approval of the Board, call special meetings of the Club and perform all other duties normal to the office. The President will conduct a monthly audit of the Club’s financial records to verify accuracy, ensure proper allocation of funds and co-approve all expenditures with treasurer.
The Vice President who shall assume the duties of the President during his absence at meetings or functions as deemed necessary by the President. The Vice President is the chairman of the Handicap Committee.
The Master of Events who shall be responsible for overseeing all Men’s Club events and assist Chair/Co-Chair tournament committees with required pre-tournament tasks. He is also responsible for the duties which rest solely with the Master of Events listed in Article 9.
The Secretary who shall be responsible for maintaining all records, membership rolls, correspondence, money list, etc., pertaining to the organization. He shall provide all necessary documents to the Communications Officer for website posting. He shall be responsible for collecting the annual club dues from the membership. He shall record minutes of all Board meetings and membership meetings.
The Treasurer who shall be responsible for all financial activities required during the administration of the Men’s Club including the receipt and control of income, ensuring payment of expenses, financial account maintenance and financial records. The Treasurer will be required to publish a monthly financial report to the Board of Directors and participate in a monthly financial audit with the Club President.
The Communications Director who shall be responsible for communication between the Board and the membership via Blue Tees mailings and e-mails. He shall maintain and update the Men’s Club website. He shall keep an accurate listing of all Club members e-mail addresses in an e-mail service set up for use by the Men’s Club. He shall notify the general membership in a timely manner of upcoming meetings and important information concerning the Club.
SECTION B. Officers and Directors conduct: It is stipulated that:
All Board members attend Director's Meetings on a regular basis. Failure by a Board member to attend three (3) successive meetings of the Board without prior excuse shall subject said member to removal from office.
All Board members who are going to be absent should call one of the Board officers to inform them of the absence and to provide an update on anything that they were to report at the meeting.
Any officer of Club may be removed from office for cause by the affirmative vote of at least seven (7) members of the Board.
The President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Master of Events, Handicap Chairman, Blue Tees Editor, and other Board of Directors members who are "working" members on standing committees receive compensation for their services during their term of office as designated by the Board of Directors. (That compensation will be determined during the December Board meeting each year for the upcoming year. Compensation should be limited to MO Men’s Club fee and patron card).
SECTION A. Standing committees shall be appointed annually by the President with the advice and consent of the Board. Such committees shall include:
The individual tournament committees, including the tournament Chairperson and Associate, are responsible for the operation of the tournament or event as assigned by the Board of Directors. These responsibilities include the pre-tournament preparation, financial affairs, tournament day activities and post tournament close-out. The chairperson is responsible for the tournament including questions from players and pro shop, if required. He will coordinate efforts with the Master of Events who has ultimate responsibilities for all events.
The Handicap Committee will be chaired by the Men’s Club Vice President, include the Head Professional, and 3 other Men’s Club members who may or may not be on the Board of Directors. The committee is responsible for establishing a fair and proper system of handicaps in accordance with procedures set forth in the USGA Handicap System Manual. These duties include:
Maintaining a current and accurate scoring record, and address, for every member in the Men’s Club computer located in the pro shop
Educating the members about the handicap system
Notifying the members of their responsibilities
Ensuring compliance with all handicap rules and regulations
Posting all tournament scores immediately after the event
Examining the results of handicap competitions in order to identify exceptional net scores and/or ways to improve future tournament formats
The Tuesday-Wednesday Night League Committee will be formed by the President and will consist of 4 current Board Members These responsibilities include the pre-league preparations, financial affairs, league day activities and post league day close out. They will set all league formats and will coordinate efforts with the Master of Events and the Handicap Committee.
SECTION A. There shall be one general meeting each year held in the spring. The election of in-coming new Board members will take place during a luncheon following the Club Closer tournament.
The Spring general meeting shall inform the membership of the plans for the forthcoming year.
Election of new Board members at Fall Closer tournament:
Any men’s club member, in good standing, can place their name or the name of another men’s club member, who is also in good standing, in nomination for a seat on the board by notifying an existing board member up to 3 days prior to the next board election. This nomination will be confirmed, with the nominee, by either the President, or Vice-President.
President shall appoint a nominating committee of at least five (5) but no more than nine (9) members to prepare a slate of one candidate for each expiring directorship.
The nominating committee shall include all available retiring directors who are not eligible for re-election.
The report of the nominating committee shall be announced to the membership at the Fall Closer tournament
Ballots will be prepared by the Secretary listing the names of the duly nominated candidates. Space will be provided for the additions of other candidate's names, nominated from the floor.
Voting by ballot will determine the new Board of Director members for the following year.
In case of ties, the winner will be determined by a coin flip.
Special meetings may be called by the President at any time within ten (10) days of the adoption of the resolution by the Board to that effect, or upon the written request of a majority of the voting members of the Club. Any announcement of said special meeting shall be in writing and shall include a statement of the purpose of the meeting. At such special meeting, if so stated in the notice, any matter pertaining to the affairs of the Club may be considered, including but not limited to the amendment of the Constitution or the by-laws.
SECTION B. Membership notification of meetings required:
The Secretary will give a minimum of ten (10) days written notice to every member advising the time, place and date of any scheduled general or special meeting.
Each member shall leave a current mailing address with the Secretary. Failure to notify the Secretary of a change of address shall be regarded as a waiver of any notification requirement provided in the by-laws.
A quorum at any general or special meeting is at least twenty-five (25) regular Club members who shall be present at the opening of said meeting.
SECTION A. Roberts Rules of Order will be in effect at all meetings.
SECTION B. The order of business for all general and Board of Director meetings shall be as follows:
Roll Call
Reading of minutes of previous meeting by Secretary.
Officers reports.
Committee reports.
Old Business.
New Business (including election of board members if applicable).
Election and appointment of committees.
SECTION A. Men’s Club members:
Member’s must have five (5) attested rounds of play at Majestic Oaks each golfing season. The failure to have required rounds may result in non-renewal of membership the following year. It is the member’s responsibility to ensure that all attested rounds are duly recorded on the handicap listing, which is the official source to resolve any disputes. Any member disqualified under this rule will be notified in writing by March 15 of each year. Any disqualified member has the option to present any extenuating circumstances to the Board of Directors, in person, at any regularly scheduled board meeting to request reinstatement.
In order to participate in the Club Championship and/or the Senior Club Championship each member must have participated in one (1) of the following scenarios:
Two (2) 18-hole major events. (Two-day events count as one event).
One (1) 18-hole major event and Four (4) 9-hole Tuesday or Wednesday league events.
Eight (8) 9-hole Tuesday or Wednesday league events.
Note: If you are a past Club Champion or Senior Club Champion and are a current member in good standing you are automatically eligible to participate in the event you previously one.
Agree that the Club Professional has the final say governing the enforcement of all tee times as well as the number of player in any one playing group.
Agree to use current handicaps from the Handicap Listing.
Agree that any Men's Club member playing in a handicap tournament (singles and doubles matches) will continue in the same class throughout the year even though his handicap may have changed.
Agree that all playing disputes, interpretation of playing rules and rules infractions must be brought to the attention of the Master of Events or Club Professional immediately after completion of the round. These individuals will lead the investigation of the incident, making a ruling and initiate any necessary corrective action.
Agree that all playing disputes and interpretation of playing rules shall be handled by the Master of Events if brought to his attention and a decision will be made final within 24 hours of the violation. Proper action will be taken for any proven violation.
Rules infractions during tournaments must be brought to the attention of the Master of Events, Tournament Committee or the Club Professional for ruling prior to the payout of tournament prizes.
Agree to communicate their comments, suggestions and complaints directly to the appropriate committee for action in establishing such rules and regulations will enhance their enjoyment of the facilities and services of the Club.
Agree that rules governing the various activities of the Men's Club shall be developed by the appropriate standing committees and proposed to the Board of Directors for approval, amendment and adoption. Following approval, such rules shall be published and distributed to all members and a copy thereof posted in a conspicuous place as determined by the Board for a period of not less than thirty (30) days.
A member who signs up for a Club event, whereby an entry fee and teams are involved, is required to notify the Master of Events or Tournament Chairs at least 24 hours prior to the day of the event that he cannot be there. If the member's spot cannot be filled, the member will forfeit his entry fee. If the member does not inform the Master of Events and fails to show up for his appointed tee time, the member will not be eligible for any such event for 1 calendar year from the date of the unattended event. Should any member become ineligible under this rule, he will be so informed by the Master of Events and/or President. The member has the option to present any extenuating circumstances to the Board of Directors, in person, at any regularly scheduled Board Meeting to request reinstatement.
Will maintain and repair any damage that they cause to the Golf Course (Fix ball marks on greens and repair divots) and to encourage all other members and/or players to do the same.
Violation of any of the rules set forth can be cause for Board review and possible suspension or Men's Club privileges revoked.
These by-laws may be repealed, amended, altered, in whole or in part, by a majority of the members
present at any regular meeting of the membership or any special meeting of the Club called for that
purpose. In the alternative, the Board, by two-thirds vote, may adopt, amend, alter or repeal these by-laws at any regular or special meeting, in which case due notice will have given for said purpose.
Majestic Oaks Men’s Club
(Herein Known as MOMC)
Code of Conduct Policy
“The Spirit of the Game”
Unlike many sports, golf is played, for the most part, without the supervision of a referee or umpire. The game relies on the integrity of the individual to show consideration for other players and to abide by the Rules of Golf. All players should conduct themselves in a disciplined manner, demonstrating courtesy and sportsmanship at all times, regardless of how competitive they may be.
The Policy
By submitting an entry to, or participating in any MOMC competition, the player understands that his participation is at the sole discretion of the MOMC. The player’s entry may be rejected for any event, at the discretion of the Official in Charge, at any time before the close of the completion (as defined in the USGA Rules of Golf book – Rule 34 – 1b). Unbecoming conduct or actions at any MOMC event, or conduct or action deemed detrimental to the MOMC, the spirit of the game, or to the Majestic Oaks Golf Club facilities are grounds for such rejection.
These include, but are not limited to:
Willful destruction of golf course of MOMC property.
Abusive language or conduct towards MOMC and/or Majestic Oaks Golf Club staff, volunteers or other players.
Abusive or derogatory criticism of the MOMC and/or Majestic Oaks Golf Club staff, volunteers, or other players.
Club throwing and/or physical endangerment of others.
Offensive or excessively loud behavior.
Alcohol and/or substance impaired behavior.
Repeated withdrawals or no cards during or after completion of a round.
Inappropriate golf attire, shirt, pants/shorts, and shoes required.
Other conduct deemed to be unbecoming should such an incident occur; the Official in Charge shall submit a report to the MOMC Board of Directors. Sanctions may result including suspension from future MOMC events. The decision to reject an entry during an event by the Official in Charge is final. However, any further sanctions imposed may be appealed to the Board of Directors whom will consider extenuating circumstances.